
Epic Challenge for Managing Director of Mason Owen

Simon Bland, Managing Director of Mason Owen, took on the amazing challenge of Cure Parkinson’s Raid Alpine Charity Bike Ride which took place 3rd – 9th July.
The challenge departed from the shores of Lake Geneva and finished in Antibes, traversing 770km and 19,104m of vertical ascent across 6 days. That is over two times the height of Mount Everest.

Raising over £70,000 and rising, the proceeds will go to Cure Parkinson’s who are making great strides in their efforts to find a cure and repurposing drugs to alleviate and slow the progression of the disease. If you have not yet donated, there is still time and Simon’s Just Giving Page will remain open for a while longer:

If you would like to take a look at a quick video with some highlights of the ride and a thank you from their patron, Mike Tindall.

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